KTM 690 SMC Akrapovic im Preiner Gscheid (Österreich)

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2,39 von 5 (19 Stimmen), Laufzeit: 0:03:59

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Video von: Schaaf | vom: 31.03.2013
Homepage: www.youtube.com/user/schaaf

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Details: KTM 690 SMC Akrapovic im Preiner Gscheid (Ös...

I never wanted to upload this one. I was quite certain that I'd be making new videos already at this time of the year (almost April) but the weather outside says "NO".
Again, it's a friend of mine on the KTM and me riding the CB in the front. I made this video after a very long and exhausting day of biking and that's why we didn't ride that fast & good at that point any longer. The KTM was still running low on oil. That's why some gear changes sound a bit odd.

But since some of us (European at least) bikers get more and more desperate with our ultra-long winter I thought a little onboard-action might help with the awful waiting for spring. :) Even though it's certainly not the most exciting onboard video ;)

location: Preiner Gscheid http://goo.gl/maps/oNtA2

beep-sound taken from:
freesound.org - steveygos93

YT: http://www.youtube.com/user/schaaf
Web: http://fotoflut.at

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